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Are the swaps legal?
Yes, they are legal!
So far, there is no case law that prohibits the fundraising activities described.
In Munich, so many people have asked the police this question that the public prosecutor’s office felt compelled to comment on it: It is not wanted, but it is legal, and nothing can be done about it.
Bayerischer Rundfunk reported on this on 23.07.24. The Munich police also commented on it.
The CSU’s current demand to criminalize bartering is nothing more than populism. In an interview with neues deutschland on 26.11.24, a lawyer said that the (re)exchange is not criminally relevant or otherwise sanctionable.
What kind of vouchers are these?
These are usually plastic cards that hang in the checkout area. You can have a certain amount loaded onto these cards at the checkout. We recommend loading no more than 50 euros onto a card, as this makes it easier to exchange.
After exchanging, these cards can be used to pay as normal in the store from which they originated.
Can’t the option of purchasing vouchers simply be blocked?
Even if they wanted to, it would not be technically possible.
It is not possible for the card operators to see exactly what has been purchased.
Blocking voucher purchases would currently only be possible if the entire supermarket was blocked for purchases. This cannot happen, as people with payment cards would be cut off from any shopping opportunities.
Nevertheless, politicians can exert pressure on supermarket chains and therefore also on employees.
There are also racist store managers. If you experience something like this, report it to the Refugee Council, the integration officer or the anti-discrimination counseling service.
How does it work technically?
Purchases are categorized on the payment card using MCC numbers. Supermarkets, for example, have the code MCC 5411 and no matter what is purchased in the supermarket, this code always appears. In this way, sectors such as gambling or money transfer can be excluded, but not specific products.
According to the providers themselves, they are working on additional methods to identify voucher purchases. Whether this is realistic remains unclear.
For people with a payment card
I have a payment card and don’t know anyone I can swap with
In the future, we want to create central donation locations. If you would like to help make this a reality, please get in touch with us.
Otherwise, keep your eyes open and ask people you know – perhaps there is already an initiative in your area that swaps. Otherwise, send us an e-mail.
Here you can find swap locations or initiatives that organize such things.
Why should I bring the voucher receipt with me?
Mistakes are always made when booking vouchers. The receipt provides proof and the money is not lost.
In which supermarkets can I buy vouchers?
You can buy vouchers in the vast majority of grocery stores. We recommend buying vouchers at the most popular supermarkets: Lidl, Aldi, Edeka, Penny, Rewe, Kaufland, DM, Alnatura.
For people without a payment card
I don’t know any refugees who have to pay with a payment card
We would like to create central donation points in the future. If you would like to help make this a reality, please get in touch with us.
Keep your eyes open and talk to people you know – there may already be an initiative in your area that you didn’t know about. You can also contact local activists, advice centers, neighborhood meetings or integration officers to get in touch with people with payment cards.
How do I know how much money is on the voucher?
On the voucher cards you will find a silver field that you can scratch off. With the number underneath you can see online how much money is on the voucher.
You will usually also receive a receipt for the voucher when you exchange it. The amount is also noted there.
How long is the voucher valid for?
The vouchers are generally valid for 3 years.
Can’t find the answer to your question? Feel free to send us an email.