Without community, there is no liberation – Audre Lorde
We have compiled a series of links here. These will take you to our companions, other actors, a collection of (press) articles, background research and more.
Have fun discovering.
Alliance for the abolition of the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act
Hamburg says no to the payment card
Seebrücke among other things with a Germany-wide map of actors
Azin, a web designer in solidarity
Other actors
The Society for Civil Liberties with a subpage on the payment card, also legal
Refugee Council NRW with decrees and ordinances from the federal states
Lower Saxony Refugee Council Action page with lots of information
Pro Asylum to implementation problems and massive negative consequences for those affected
Women in Exile & friends Self-organization of refugee women in Brandenburg & supporters
Non-profit organization for the support of asylum seekers e.V. with an overview of the implementation of the payment card in the federal states
Tagesspiegel on the non-introduction of the harassment payment cardin Potsdam “Special path in the state of Brandenburg: Potsdam does not introduce a payment card for refugees”
rbb:Agreement of the Berlin Senate on the harassment of the payment card
taz: Monitored and controlled, report from Märkisch Oderland – and the growing resistance
Münster: Council majority rejects payment card for refugees
ND: CSU wants to ban the exchange of payment cards, incl. legal classification
Spiegel: Study debunks alleged argument of money transfer
it finanzmagazin: Social Card, who and what is behind it?
netzpolitik: The problems don’t stop
netzpolitik: Practical solidarity against discriminatory symbolic politics Interview with “Stay open!” Munich
Taz: No cash for the undesirables
Center for Responsible Digitalization: The payment card for asylum seekers: A technology between the promise of innovation and surveillance
Audio by Deutschlandfunk: How the cash limit is circumvented in Hanover
Taz: An article from 2010 Initiative fights against vouchers
tacheles: The AsylbLG as an experimental laboratory: How right-wing populist politics becomes practical – also as pdf
Legal tribune online: I know what you have in your account
Background research
Ask the State analyzes internal documents. They show that the drafting process was deliberately steered in a direction that violates fundamental and data protection rights https://fragdenstaat.de/t/1075
jacobin.de: Interview with Michael Findeisen conducted by Katharina Schoenes “How Visa and Mastercard make money with the payment card ”
CCC 2024: Lecture on data protection and IT security deficiencies in payment card apps for refugees “No cash – no problem? Payment cards for refugees analyzed”
CCC 2023: Lecture “Transparent refugees- Using computers to change lives for the worse”
CCC 2024: Presentation by the Migranos Movement initiative, a self-organized initiative of migrants with refugee experience who have experienced racism in everyday life in East Germany. They give an overview of affected perspectives with self-experiences of living in camps (hostels, EAE)
Videos of a net politics evening “Data and flight” with Pro Asyl, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte and Amnesty International
CCC 2024: Lecture giving an overview of the use of payment cards in Germany and explaining why payment cards for refugees are not simply like other electronic means of payment. And what can be done now at various levels, with solidarity, civil society and legal means.
A presentation at the CCC 2024 of the initiative Hamburg says no to the payment card
Take a look at the materials, you’ll find even more here