With payment card

Note: The Weizenbaum Institute is currently looking for interview partners for a study who have experience as users of the payment card. Interested parties can contact us directly by email at studie [ät] weizenbaum-institut.de.

Exchange campaigns – cash instead of cards

You have a payment card and need more cash? Let’s swap! There are various ways to exchange credit from your payment card for cash:

Tandem shopping

You can accompany a person without a payment card to the supermarket and pay for their purchase with your payment card. The person without a payment card will then return the amount of their purchase to you in cash.

Two hands. One hand is holding a voucher chip card, the other a 50 euro bill.
The hands are holding out the card and bill for exchange.

Voucher exchange

You can buy shopping vouchers in supermarkets using your payment card. These vouchers can then be exchanged for cash by people without a payment card.

This is how it works:

  1. Buy a €50 shopping voucher in a supermarket. Take the receipt with you.
  1. Take the voucher and the receipt to an exchange location. You will then receive the value of the voucher in cash.

Exchange locations in Brandenburg and Berlin:

Addresses/contact options for exchange locations:

August-Bebel-Sr. 20a, 15344 Strausberg every 2nd Wednesday of the month 16:00-18:00bezahlkarte-strausberg@gmx.de
Seelow11.03. 15.04. 13.05. 10.06. 15.07. 12.08. 09.09. 14.10. 11.11. 09.12.report to: tauschen@freenet.de
Kreuzberg: Reichenbergerstraße 73, 10999 BerlinMon-Thu 17-24 h, Fri – Sat 17-02 h Bistro Spumante Only Resell vouchers
Kreuzberg: Lausitzerstrasse 21a, 10999 BerlinFriday 6-9 pmKüfa rainbow factory
Friedrichshain: Rigaerstrasse 94, 10247 BerlinWednesday from 8 pm onKüfa at Kadterschmiede
for more information about cash and vouchers we have on stock for exchange you can check our website http://rigaer94.squat.net/bezahlkartenborse